WordPress is the name of a content management system, also called CMS.
It is the software package you can use today to easily and quickly build a website or, for example, a blog or even a web shop (WooCommerce e-commerce shop). It provides you with a graphical interface that eliminates the need for programming and allows you to install, configure, modify or optimize almost everything with just a few clicks.
In fact, WordPress is so well known that of all websites worldwide, about 35% use WordPress! So more than 1 in 3 sites worldwide are running on the WordPress CMS system!
This makes WordPress the most popular and widely used CMS system in the world! Pretty clever for a software system that was actually initially built only as blog software!
WordPress is completely free, super easy to learn and in addition because so many people use WordPress, there are also millions of free templates, plugins and scripts to download!
Why choose WordPress?
There are several good reasons for this. We will list a few:
- WordPress is completely free!
- Easily create a WordPress blog or website
- There are millions of free but also paid templates and designs
- Everything is completely customizable to your liking!
- WordPress is super user friendly
- WordPress is SEO optimized for Google and the rest of the search engines
- For everything you want or need there is a free plugin available!
- Writing, managing and maintaining content is nowhere easier than with WordPress!