You made a nice compilation of all your recorded videos from the last family weekend and would like to share it with all your family members. However, the email program indicates that the video is too large to send via email. What to do.
Send large files via email
This is where the genius tool called WeTransfer comes in. This tool easily allows you to still send the video compilation via email to all your family members.
Often there are hard limits set by e-mail providers that often do not allow you to send more than 5 to 20MB of attachments per e-mail. The servers of the e-mail providers are not set up to send larger files and that is why they have decided to use these hard limits.
At WeTransfer, they have come up with something to deal with that, so you can still send large attachments via email. Thousands of users are already using it daily completely free of charge!
How does WeTransfer work?
Now the question: So why does WeTransfer allow you to send large files via email? Let me explain how that is and how it works there:
At WeTransfer, you upload your file to their servers. They store your file, then you choose which people you want to email it to.
The email that comes with your subject and message will come with a download link to the file you uploaded to WeTransfer’s server. So they make the file downloadable from a unique link, so the file does not actually come along as an attachment to the e-mail.
With the traditional e-mail it is true that the file is sent as an attachment to the e-mail. This is where the problem lies, that the server cannot handle huge files this way.
Once you do it as a download link that allows you to download the file through your internet browser, this is no longer a problem and in theory you send a normal email.
How do I send files via WeTransfer?
- First you go to
- Then agree to the terms and cookies
- Click on the button Upload files.
- Choose the file you want to send, for example a video or a ZIP.
- In the e-mail field, enter the e-mail address of the recipient. If you have more than one, you can press enter after entering the e-mail address.
- In the next field you enter your own e-mail address, so they can keep you informed about the e-mail you send, such as a read confirmation.
- In the title field enter the subject of the e-mail you want to send
- At the message you can enter a message the recipient will see.
- Under the 3 dots you can set other options, such as the expiration time and possibly a password to secure the link (recommended).
What is the free WeTransfer limit?
WeTransfer free allows you to send files up to 2 gigabyte(GB) in size. You can send as many emails of this limit per day, as long as you stay under the 2GB per email.
If you want to send more than the 2GB per day, then you end up with WeTransfer pro. This is the more commercial solution that allows you to send up to 200GB per email. You can also store files up to a total of 1TB and you can fully control when the emails or transfers expire.
What files can I send via WeTransfer?
Good question! Of course, there are all kinds of different file extensions and therefore a good question is which ones you can and cannot send.
In fact, the rule is very easy. All files that you can’t run, you may send via WeTransfer. These include images, photos, zip archives, video files, etc.
Files you cannot send are often .exe (windows) or .dmg (mac osx) files. These can often contain viruses or malware and therefore WeTransfer will send them.